TSSU and the Employer met for mediation today. The mediator indicated that there is enough possibility of getting to a deal, for both sides, to continue with the mediation process Sunday at noon.
The Employer’s bargaining team made a commitment that they would provide a full response to our key monetary proposals with supporting costing data at Sunday’s mediation session. Given that they have refused to provide a full response and virtually any costing data for 345 days, this is another indication that the sustained pressure from our pickets is working.
We know that we cannot take this Employer’s commitments for granted. We need to stay on picket lines into next week, and they need to be bigger, to ensure that they continue to feel pressure to engage meaningfully in mediation.
At last night’s General Membership meeting—our biggest since the strike vote in March—TSSU members expressed a clear consensus: we want to escalate our strike action by increasing the number of roving picket lines to disrupt work that shouldn’t be happening behind our lines.
For escalation to be possible, all members must come join the picket lines as early as possible on Monday. Pancake breakfast will be provided until 10AM. A strong showing on Monday morning and through the day will make further escalation possible through the week if we need it.
What the Employer fears is strong numbers. It’s why they haven’t provided us meaningful data, why they shake like leaves when we pack the bargaining room, and why they will ultimately fold under the pressure of our collective power. With mediation underway, next week could be the home stretch. We need all hands on deck to make sure it is.
In solidarity,
Contract Committee and Strike Committee