Bargaining a Contract for Research Assistants
Hey TSSU members! It’s the end of Summer 2024 and your Contract Committee has been hard at work. This is a long update to get you up to speed on 1) ongoing negotiations for Research Workers to join the collective agreement, and 2) the 2024 RA Bargaining Survey results.
The long and short of it is we are back to the bargaining table (over Zoom) next week, August 29 starting 12:30 pm in BLU 10031. This first stage will focus on securing for all RAs, many of the rights agreed through previous negotiations. SFU Administration must exchange substantive proposals with us by November 15th. And, over 500 RAs responded to our survey, and they are overwhelmingly ready and in support of bargaining to earn RESPECT, win FAIR WAGES, gain JOB SECURITY, and secure BENEFITS for all.
SFU’s new contract negotiator – still doesn’t live here, does make progress
Your contract committee has been working over the summer! In response to TSSU’s efforts to bring our Employer back to the bargaining table for RAs, SFU Administration hired a new bargaining consultant, Geoff Tierney. Fortunately, he only charges them a flat rate, meaning there is no incentive to stall, unlike the previous high-paid consultant Steve Gorham they flew in from Victoria each time to bargain, who billed by the hour. However, this new consultant also has no connection to SFU and lives in Ontario.
We have already made some progress with the new negotiator, as both parties have signed a protocol agreement for bargaining. This outlines the general “rules of engagement” for bargaining. While it is optional, in this case it has helped us work out how bargaining will proceed and allowed us to explicitly lay out some of our priorities:
- OPEN BARGAINING – YOU’RE INVITED: We will continue to have open bargaining, where TSSU members are welcomed and encouraged to attend! While we will initially bargain with the Employer over Zoom, our contract committee and members will gather in person. Join us in BLU 10031 at 12:30 pm on August 29 to show our collective power at the bargaining table!
- YES, YOU DO HAVE TO BARGAIN IN PERSON: We have agreed that once we move onto “substantive” proposals, the Employer must attend a cluster of bargaining sessions in person. From past experience it takes focussed in person sessions to reach an agreement.
- NO MORE DELAYS: We have secured an explicit timeline for the exchange of Substantive proposals, this must occur no later than November 15th, 2024. An important win given the recurring delay tactics of SFU Administration.
- WE BARGAIN FOR ALL RAS: We have explicitly negotiated that all matters negotiated apply to ALL research assistants at SFU, including “graduate student research assistants.” Both the union and the Employer are awaiting the final decision of the BC Labour Relations Board (currently scheduled for October 31 2024) on the determination of which research assistants are included as an “employee.” We are bargaining with the expectation that the BC LRB decision will determine all research assistants to be included. If this ends up not being the case, we’ve agreed that either party may choose to reconsider their proposals.
- For more history, detail, and explanations on the long legal fight for the legal status of research assistants as employees, see HERE.
Over the summer, your contract committee sent out a new RA Bargaining Survey. 591 RAs responded, telling us about their work, and what is most important to fight for at the bargaining table. They have reconfirmed our mandate to bargain for better working conditions for all RAs. We are fighting for:
- FAIR WAGES: A living wage is a top priority for respondents. Pay was the number one improvement members indicated we need to see. TSSU proposes a living wage ($25.68) and other wage improvements for those already above that level. Previously, the Employer had proposed an insulting $17 minimum wage for RAs and that is not good enough and now even below the legal minimum wage!
- BENEFITS FOR ALL: The Employer proposed that RAs would need 20 hours of work per week minimum and 6 month contracts to be eligible for benefits, denying benefits to more than 85% of RAs. According to our survey, the vast majority of RAs find any benefits threshold unacceptable, and felt benefits should be for all RAs. Extended health coverage was the number one benefit improvement members report needing. Others included dental, MSP coverage and sick leave.
- JOB SECURITY: Many RAs report the need for more job security. RA work is often precarious and we are proposing more regularity around length of contracts, student appointments normally not ending partway through a semester, certain circumstances where a reduction of hours or duration of contract must occur, we receive notice or pay in lieu.
- RESPECT: A large number of RAs report doing unpaid work. We cannot be forced to work for free! Many also report having little to no communication about job expectations before hiring. Of course work may vary over time, but we should know what to expect before we start any job! Our proposals will ensure members have a basic level of respect.
After four years of fighting for the first collective agreement for RAs after years of SFU Admin’s stalling, litigating, and refusal to bargain for all RAs, we have made some key progress. But there is still a lot of work to do to get our first contract. We need RAs involved in bargaining to show our collective power at the bargaining table. Get in touch with us, tell us your experience, join a committee, attend a general membership meeting, and come to bargaining! Get in touch with to learn more or get involved.
Let’s get this done. When we fight, we win!
In solidarity,
Your 2024 Contract Committee
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